Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Raleigh lost something today

But he doesn't mind at all, despite the fearsome look in the first photo. He was opening his water bottle with his teeth and one popped out into his hand. Raleigh was very excited. He also learned that one of his best friends in Singapore lost a tooth the same day, which made it even more fun.
August was a bit concerned about this "Tooth Fairy" person sneaking into their room at night, but Daddy assured him that she is only after teeth that have already fallen out.  That tooth's neighbor is wiggly too--we think it was the one wiggling first--so the Tooth Fairy might get another call soon!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Off to find eggs!

Just kidding, it was from pictures a friend took for us. This is something cute they did today, though.