Monday, June 27, 2011

It's Official!

Raleigh was born.  We have a piece of paper that says so.  It came in the mail Saturday.

Make It Happen

Raleigh visited Leanne's work Friday and really put on a show!  He smiled and giggled for everyone, said his favorite word ("oh"), and didn't even cry.  How is anyone going to believe us when we tell them how much work he is?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Kitchen, My Kitchen!

Raleigh got some new shapes to look at today, though Mommy and Daddy have probably spent more time staring at them. :)

Unfortunatly, the shiny new pot rack came in dented - what's a few more weeks at this point????

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Spa Day

Raleigh had a full day today.  The hospital had a special on baby massages when mama got a massage, so Raleigh got his first massage already!  (Don't worry, we'll also encourage him to pick up golf in case he becomes a banker).  The massage therapist showed us how to massage Raleigh to soothe him.  He loved it!  He started off wimpering a little, but that soon turned to cooing and then sleep.

After lunch, he had a playdate with his second cousin.  The two babies just stared at each other at first - it was so adorable!  For tummy time, the two babies lifted their heads to look at each other.

Then, Leanne and Raleigh went to a farmer's market to get something for dinner.  We'll hopefully finish up the day with a manicure (no polish), and another massage before bed.

Not a bad way to spend a Tuesday...

Monday, June 20, 2011

Two Month Check-up

We had Raleigh's two-month check up this morning, and these are his stats:

Weight: 12 lb, 8 oz (70th percentile)
Height: 23.75"      (79th percentile)
Head:   16.5"       (89th percentile)

Raleigh also had to get three shots and an oral immunization today.  We gave him lunch first, so it wasn't that bad.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Two Months Old

Raleigh's 2 month birthday happened to fall on Father's Day.  We began celebrating Father's Day yesterday by looking at cars to replace Leanne's Explorer.  (Leanne didn't want to go, but Erik played the "Father's Day" card...)  We went out to dinner tonight (with Raleigh).  Raleigh slept the whole time (whew!)

Raleigh has become a lot more interactive in his second month.  He smiles and almost laughs.  Raleigh used to only let us know when he was hungry - now he lets us know when he's hungry, tired, bored, needs to burp, misses us, or feels however he felt at the restaurant yesterday (we still haven't figured it out!).  He also says vowels like "O" and "EH".  Today, Raleigh and Leanne had a whole conversation just saying "O" back and forth and smiling.

Raleigh's usually in a very good mood in the morning, so we play when we wake up 6:30!  He likes to "march".  He also likes baths and being swaddled.  Erik often gets Raleigh to sleep by lying on the bed next to him and singing lullabies while they hold hands.

Raleigh had a lot of baby hair come in, so maybe it will fill in his male-pattern baldness soon.  Raleigh weighs about 12.5 pounds and seems pretty long.  We have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, so we'll let you know the official score then.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


We mailed out birth announcements ...finally!  Raleigh helped get them ready by taking a long nap today. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Heads Up!

Raleigh's really getting good at holding his head up! After breakfast this morning, he was more interested in looking at dad than burping.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Mr. Blue Eyes

Raleigh's eyes are still very blue.  Maybe they will stay that way.  This is a picture from after his bath on Saturday.

Photo Shoot, Part 2

The photo shoot continued in our favorite baby blue shirt.  We later caught a pretty good smile and a yawn!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Photo Shoot

Raleigh is at a really cute stage - his baby acne and scaley forehead and scap are almost completely cleared up, and he is pretty wide-eyed and sometimes even smiles.  What better way to spend the day then taking pictures of our little darling?

Raleigh has so many looks - it's hard to decide which we like best...

Raleigh the Angel

Raleigh the Curious

Raleigh the Serious

Raleigh the Timid

Raleigh the Innocent

Raleigh the Invincible!

Raleigh the Spitter...

What is your favorite 'Raleigh' look?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Little Trip

We took a little trip back to the hospital where Raleigh wasn't born to visit a friend and her baby.  Raleigh dwarfed the 8 lb newborn, which made us look back at how much he has grown.  As if there were any question, compare the picture of him coming home from the hospital to one taken today - he's filling out the car seat pretty well!  Raleigh is 11.5 lbs now, so he's over 50% more baby than when he was born!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Splish Splash

Mama and Raleigh took a bath together this morning.  (We thought it might be easier to clean his back side that way).  It was an especially relaxed bathing session.  Raleigh enjoyed kicking his legs in the water.  He kept pushing off, so Leanne finally just held his head and let him play a little.


Leanne walked in to the living room Monday night to see this...

Clearly, it's never too early to teach your son about race cars (but if you have to stand on the couch to see the picture, maybe the picture is a little too high!)