Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat!

We celebrated Raleigh's first Halloween tonight.  We only made it to one house after feeding Raleigh his third helping of sweet potatoes and making some last-minute costume alterations, but we scored a couple candy bars and a beer.  Raleigh was nice enough to let us have the candy bars.

Okay, dad had the beer too.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Yay Cards

Erik and Raleigh had something to celebrate today.


Raleigh's school had a Halloween party last week.  We're not sure Raleigh realized there was a party going on, but he scored some treats for mom and dad - good job, Raleigh! :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Raleigh had his first bit of rice cereal today ...we think he ate some of it. More importantly, he undeniably had fun! :)

YouTube Video

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

6 Months Old!

In a little over half an hour, it will be 6 months since Raleigh was born.  We can't believe how time has flown by.  This month, Raleigh started saying vowels (ba-ba-ba) and tasted his first solid foods (he gnawed on some carrot sticks and ate a little mashed up banana).  He's lifted up on his arms, and lifted up on his knees, and as of today, lifted up on both and raised his chest and belly off the floor at the same time.  Crawling is coming along, ready or not.  Tonight he was dad's good luck charm, as the Cardinals won game 1 of the World Series.

He looked great at his 6-month check-up, but his tear ducts still appear to be blocked, so the pediatrician recommended we see an eye doctor.  Raleigh is right on the middle of the growth curve for weight and height, but he remains at the "head" of his class in cranial capacity.

Weight: 17 lb, 10 oz (54th percentile)
Height: 26.5"       (55th percentile)
Head:   18.1"       (96th percentile)

Yellow Corvette

We gave Raleigh his shiny yellow car that had been parked at dad's work and in our garage since our baby shower. Raleigh knows two gears--reverse and sideways!


If Christmas were today, we'd get Raleigh a big box of tissue paper!

Cold Front

It got a bit cooler overnight here. Time to pull out the clothes we didn't need in Minnesota!

Monday, October 10, 2011


Raleigh met his great grandfather today. He thought he was great!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Raleigh helped end the Vikings' losing streak today!


Raleigh flew to Minnesota with his two PAs Saturday morning. We had an eventful morning, leading up to a bath before we left the house, but the flight was A-OK. Raleigh allowed mom and dad a little room in the blue bag.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

New Favorite Toy

Raleigh played with this plastic bag (under close supervision) for half an hour.

YouTube Video

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Veg Out

We gave Raleigh a piece of zucchini to play with while we were cooking. He managed to hollow out the center, but he didn't eat it. Then we gave him a bath!