Monday, December 19, 2011

8 Months Old

Raleigh's milestones really started ticking by quickly this month.  We noticed on Thanksgiving that Raleigh had overcome his head to body ratio and could sit unsupported.  Shortly after, he started pulling up on things.  He started crawling with his belly off the ground a little over a week ago.  He seems a lot bigger and stronger in general - it must be from all the "pull ups" he's doing in his crib!

His newest accomplishment is waving, which always gets a big reaction from his parents.  He used to only wave after other people waved first.  Now he waves spontaneously on his own - sometimes to say "hi", sometimes to say "bye", sometimes to say "don't forget about me"!  He's become so used to waving, he even waves at his toys.  When dad held him up to the window at mom's work, he waved at the entire north end of downtown Houston.  His wave is so cute - much like a royal wave, which befits our little prince.

Raleigh started making a popping sound with his tongue and he's surprisingly loud for such a little guy.  Sometimes he initiates and mom and dad join in, sometimes mom or dad clicks their tongue and his face lights up as if to say "I know that game!" and he starts popping away.  Raleigh has also picked up "g" and "ng" sounds (which he uses to say "gong gong gong") and sometimes makes a "t" as well.  Yesterday dad managed to get him to stick out his tongue. 

Raleigh's doing okay with solids.   He loves his oatmeal and fruit every morning, and he has a fruit and veg during the day.  We haven't found a meat he likes yet (we tried chicken, turkey and beef). He must be holding out for bacon!

Overall, this month has seen Raleigh become much more interactive and we can't wait to see what he'll be able to do next.

Happy Christmas

Father Christmas visited Leanne's work today. As expected, Raleigh tugged on his beard.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011