Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Moving up

Raleigh graduated in day care again! They said he crawled too well for the class he was in. We are very excited that in his new class, the babies all take naps at 10am and 2pm. It has been so hard for our social butterfly to nap while he can see other babies playing. We are happy Raleigh succumbed to the peer pressure and napped very well during the day! :) Keep up the good work!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Ready for School!

Raleigh crawled from his room to the kitchen this morning and started playing with his backpack. Guess he was ready for school!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

9 Months Old

Really, has another month gone by?  I guess it's been pretty busy with the Holidays and all...  After reading last month's post, it's hard to believe crawling, waving and saying "gong gong gong" were new just a month or so ago.  It seems like Raleigh has been doing them forever!  The new trick added to his repertoire is clapping - Leanne decided to teach him on New Year's Eve, and he pick it up immediately (or did he already know how to clap, and we just didn't notice?)  Anyway, it always gets a big reaction from the parents, so it's thrown in Raleigh's mix.

Last week was unprecedentedly busy for us.  Leanne had very late hours at work, so Erik was on night shift.  Raleigh, of course, handled it better than the two of us and slept from 8pm until 6am almost every night.  (If mom's not around, why bother waking up?)  Of, course, that came to an end when Leanne returned to a more normal schedule this week.  Maybe mom needs her room and Erik and Raleigh can share one!

The biggest news this month--Raleigh graduated in daycare!!!  (Okay, that's the biggest "Raleigh news"--the biggest news is that Raleigh is getting another cousin!)  Anyway, Raleigh is now in a room of crawlers.  Among his classmates are triplet girls!  He seems to love it, but we miss his old caregivers.  We do see them on the way to our new classroom, and Raleigh smiles and sometimes waves to them (sometimes he claps instead, since clapping and waving seem interchangeable). 

Today Raleigh had his 9 month check-up.  He certainly has an athletic build and we can only assume that his head is so large to hold his above-average brain! :)
Weight: 20 lb, 2 oz (44th percentile)
Height: 28.5"       (61st percentile)
Head:   18.8"       (97th percentile)

A day in the life of 9 month old Raleigh begins around 7:30 or 8 am.  Erik takes him off to play while Leanne gets a few more minutes of shut-eye.  Then Leanne feeds him around 8 or 8:30.  Erik gets Raleigh ready for school while Leanne gets ready for work.  Who drops him off depends on how early we can get out the door--Leanne if it's early, Erik if it's not.  Raleigh has two 4 oz. bottles and two "meals" at daycare..  We've been gradually decreasing the amount of milk and increasing the amount of solids.  Raleigh still isn't much into meat...or napping.  We're really excited when he has at least a 1-hour nap at daycare.  We still get home at 7pm.  He doesn't fall asleep on the way home as often anymore.  We begin the bedtime routine almost immediately--eating, reading, changing, brushing teeth and lullabies. Sometimes he falls asleep immediately, sometimes we wonder who gave him speed.