Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Raleigh stood up by himself a few times at daycare today. Ms. Rosa, Raleigh's favorite caregiver, was a little sad when she told Leanne--she thinks walking will come soon, and then he'll be moved to a whole new area. Evidently, standing is exhausting! Despite having two very good naps today, he ate and fell asleep right after we got home--an hour and a half earlier than normal, so there was no repeat performance for mom and dad.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

10 Months Old

The biggest change for Raleigh in his 10th month is that we moved him to his own room!!!  His room was just his playroom for a while, so he could get used to it.  Two weeks ago, we moved his bed.  We were nervous that he'd wake up every few hours at first but he didn't seem to care that we moved him!

Last weekend, we learned Raleigh is allergic to cow's milk.  We hadn't been giving him cow's milk to drink, but he had creamed spinach once, and then touched some of our food that had milk in it.  Poor Raleigh's eyes swelled up and he had hives.  Of course, Raleigh was still in good spirits, but mom and dad were scared, so we took him to the pediatrician (which closed 2 minutes before we got there) and then to the ER.  We learned the magic of Benadryl.

Many babies have a cow's milk allergy, and most grow out of it, so we are hoping that will be the case with Raleigh.  The milk allergy is a little ironic, given we also discovered a new favorite food this month - yogurt!  The yogurt is fine because the proteins are already broken down.  Formula is also okay, and we're trying to teach him to like it - yesterday he drank a whole 4 ounces!

Raleigh is as curious and social as ever.  He grunts "eh" until he gets someone's attention.  It doesn't matter if it's his parents, someone sitting next to us in church, or someone in the elevator that's completely ignoring us - Raleigh repeats "eh" until they look at him.  Then he turns on the flirting! :)

Raleigh is stringing multiple syllables together, and often is able to repeat sounds we make.  He has also started pointing.  Walking is coming along - he walks in his yellow car walker and can walk holding on to furniture.  Raleigh and dad like to play tag. 

Raleigh started shaking his head "no" in the past few days - he does this in the car seat, in his high chair and on the changing pad.  He laughs a lot when he does this.  He's not saying "no" he just seems to think it's funny that he can roll his head from side to side.

Raleigh still just has the bottom two teeth, but he seems to have several top teeth ready to come in - we can see the outlines of them on his gums.  They seem to bother Raleigh a little.  If he doesn't have a teether close by, he sometimes soothes the pain by biting us.  Leanne keeps trying to teach him not to bite, but Raleigh just responds "eh."
Raleigh went to the zoo for the first time today. We think he enjoyed squealing at the animals.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Bad Hair Day

We need baby dippity-do to tame Raleigh's tresses some mornings.