We had Raleigh's 15-month check-up on Wednesday. Raleigh is healthy, and talking A LOT more than the expected three words. He probably says 30 words, at least. The doctor said he was quite the performer. :)
Here are the stats for our 15-month old:
Weight: 23 lb, 8 oz (34th percentile)
Height: 31" (45th percentile)
Head: 20" (99th percentile)
Raleigh had two vaccines and came down with a fever in the afternoon, so we got to stay home from daycare (and work!) yesterday.
Raleigh has become very good at letting us know what he wants, and even better at letting us know when he doesn't get what he wants. He likes playing with "real" things - like the broom, the swiffer, anything in the pantry and anything in the shower. He loves putting on dad's shoes. He is also absolutely infatuated with his mama.
Two of Raleigh's molars have broken through (we have never seen him drool so muchl!). He's been sleeping well, and recently has taken a few three hour naps for us in the middle of the day (1 1/2 hours is the norm). We'll take it!