Friday, January 24, 2014

Bad Weather Day

School closed today, so the men built us a fire--our first fire in the fireplace. ;)

Then the little man asked, "Why are the firefighters not coming to spray it?"

Monday, January 20, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Off to School

The brothers, bundled up and ready for their first ride to school together.

Friday, January 3, 2014

First Day

Augie started daycare today.

There are just two babies today, so he will get a lot of time with his new teacher.

We also had his 4 month appointment yesterday. August is long and lean--he weighs 14lb 7oz and is 25.5" long. He also accomplished something Raleigh never did--he is in the 100th percentile for head circumference! Good thing big brother's head is stretching out the necks of his shirts for him!!! ;)