Saturday, May 9, 2015


Our tee ball season ended today. Raleigh got a trophy for "always having a smile on his face" and being a great hitter.

In hind site, Raleigh says he likes baseball, but a few days ago he said he was looking forward to the end of the season because he didn't like it when people got mad at him for being in the shade. We'll see if he asks to play next year. ;)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim of Bellaire

Introducing the final round draft pick, barely making the "4 years old by April 30th" cut off, #4 Raleigh Nolte!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Evil Genious

Two quotes from Raleigh in the past week that we just have to write down.

First, Raleigh put a yoga mat down in August's room then explained "so he won't hurt his head when I push him over"

Then today, he was playing with a bat and said, "I'm going to hit you with a baseball bat"
Mom: "you're going to lose every privilege you can possibly imagine then."
Raleigh: "I can't imagine any of my privileges so I won't lose any."

Luckily, he decided not to hit anyone with a bat. He did knock over August the other night, though (and August laughed).

Oh, and, by the way, it's never too early to expose your son to race car video games.

Monday, January 5, 2015

The Holidays are Over

We had a restful and relaxing past few weeks, but one little boy was ready to go this morning!

(The other little boy was not!!!)

Both little boys are now going to the same school, which means one drop off and one pick up for mom and dad (mainly dad). This is going to be so nice.... ;)