Raleigh turned three months old today. We had a very busy day. Mom, dad and Raleigh visited the daycare Raleigh will attend and met his soon-to-be caregivers. There will be seven girls and one other little boy in the class. The other little boy managed to spit up on Leanne.
Since it's a Tuesday, Raleigh also had his last playdate with his second cousin. Leanne sure will miss passing time at Jen's house. Then, Raleigh went to his first baseball game - Astros vs. Nationals. Houston won 7-6, but it was 2-2 when we left.
Oh, and we almost forgot the most exciting event of the day --- Erik and Leanne got a new baby toter! Unfortunately, it's in Florida and we're, of course, in Houston. We'll figure out how we'll get it here tomorrow.
Raleigh continued to amaze us in his third month. He makes all kinds of sounds, but we love the squeals of delight the most. He is also figuring out how to use his hands - he can bat his toys and put his hands together, and he LOVES sucking on his hands (though it makes us a little nervous...) He can also hold his rattles in his hands ...but he often just hits himself in the head with them.
As far as routine, he had settled into going to bed around 9, waking after 5-6 hours, and then again at 6 or 7am. During the day, he had been eating every 3 hours after a 1 hour nap - it was almost like clockwork. We said "had been" because we think he went through his three month growth spurt recently, so the schedule was a little erratic the past few days - he slept 9 hours straight Sunday night, and then for a 4 1/2 hour stretch (interrupted by two feedings) Monday. Raleigh weighs 14 1/4 pounds.
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