Saturday, December 1, 2012


Raleigh's new game is hitting us and then saying "I'm sorry Mommy/Daddy". We tried to explain the apology doesn't seem sincere if he deliberately does the thing he has to apologize for again and again. We'll see if we got through to him.

He's also been throwing things (at us). So this afternoon, we started telling him that we don't throw ____, we throw balls. Then he threw his cup during dinner. We told him we don't throw cups. Right we when thought Raleigh is too young and we were choosing a battle we were destined to lose, Raleigh said "I throw balls!". We were shocked! Poor Raleigh have himself away. Now we're definitely holding him to it!

Then Raleigh threw some pizza. "We don't throw pizza, Raleigh. What can we throw?".

Raleigh: "Pizza!"


Raleigh: "Uhhh. Plates!"

Now it is a game! :)

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