Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy Birthday, Raleigh

I went to wake up Raleigh this morning, but he was already awake, laying in bed playing with a ball. I told him it was his birthday today and told him "happy birthday". His first words were, "I get candles?" "Yes," I said, "you get two candles." "No, only one," he said. Later he decided he wanted five. He also pointed out that Alice doesn't get candles today, but asked if Alice's mommy and daddy would be at his party. He later asked for Fionn, too!

For breakfast, Raleigh had some of his extra birthday muffins. I had one out for him and one out for dad. Raleigh wanted another but didn't want to eat dad's--he wanted his own!

At 9 o'clock mom and dad got to go to Raleigh's school for his school birthday party. (Raleigh had been asking us since Wednesday if we were going to go to his special party). Raleigh seemed sooooo excited that it was finally his turn to have all the birthday songs and activities and get to blow out the candle (only one candle at the school birthday party). His friends seemed excited for him, too!

Then Raleigh and friends got snacks and more birthday muffins and mom and dad were off to work.

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