Wednesday, August 22, 2012

16 Months

We are enjoying much of August at home with Raleigh, as we pulled him out of daycare a few weeks before his new daycare starts.

Raleigh has become much better at eating solids, probably because mom and dad have become much better at cooking veggies until they are mushy.

Raleigh's most reliable trick is that almost everything is a hat--if Raleigh can touch it to his head, it is a hat. Bowls, Tupperware, spoons, toys, wipes, diapers, and balls are all hats. Sometimes hats are hats, too.

Raleigh still loves going outside, and the first things he says after we tell him we are going outside are "hat" and "shoes" because he needs these to go outside.

Raleigh grabbers away all day long. "Sentences" often end with "mamadada". Tonight, he strung two words together in a more meaningful way and said "Raleigh's hat". Of course, he was putting a bath toy on his head, not a hat hat.

"No" is quickly becoming Raleigh's favorite word, or maybe just the default answer to questions: "Raleigh, would you like some water?" "No." (Then he screams as we move the water further from him). Raleigh does say "thank you" when we hand him something, or at least something he wanted. He picked that one up on his own. We are working on please now.

He has also figured out "mine" and says it as he hugs something, like a toy.

So, in short, Raleigh learned "no" and "mine" when he was at home with us. Good job, mom and dad...

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