Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer

We are sad the summer has come to an end, but thankful for all the extra time we got to spend with Raleigh. (Sorry, Raleigh, if it makes your first days back at school harder).

Raleigh has become quite the chatterbox, and continues to amaze us with how much he knows. We just realized Raleigh knows where everything is in Goodnight Moon, but insists the bowl of mush is a hat. (He smiles when he does this, so he might just be giving us a hard time!)  He also knows that the windows are outside. Hats and outside - two of Raleigh's favorite things!

When we met with Raleigh's teachers last Wednesday - we had two goals for Raleigh - learning the difference between bowls and hats and between yes and no.

Erik and Raleigh went swimming Saturday, and we think this video captures how much Raleigh has learned in the pool.

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