Monday, December 24, 2012


We had a beautiful Christmas Eve -- sunny, 70 degrees and a snowman at HEB!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

New Park

We have been enjoying our new park. The parents today were very impressed that Raleigh can hang from the bars like a monkey.

He sure climbs like a monkey...

Friday, December 21, 2012


Raleigh's class sang Cascabel in the school Christmas program today.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pool Net

We can walk on water now. ;)

We Moved!

As of this weekend, we are officially moved into the new house. Raleigh was a big help!

Raleigh seems to have adjusted to the new house very well. We tried to involve Raleigh in the move (he even helped pack his toys and rode in the car with them to the new house). So maybe that has paid off.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas Came Early

Mom and Dad bought a new house today. Of course, the first thing we did was change our address at the North Pole. And we can't believe what happened next! Santa just happened to be making a shakedown run in his sleigh, so he came to our house and brought Raleigh a train.

We're not sure Raleigh even noticed the house.

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Raleigh's new game is hitting us and then saying "I'm sorry Mommy/Daddy". We tried to explain the apology doesn't seem sincere if he deliberately does the thing he has to apologize for again and again. We'll see if we got through to him.

He's also been throwing things (at us). So this afternoon, we started telling him that we don't throw ____, we throw balls. Then he threw his cup during dinner. We told him we don't throw cups. Right we when thought Raleigh is too young and we were choosing a battle we were destined to lose, Raleigh said "I throw balls!". We were shocked! Poor Raleigh have himself away. Now we're definitely holding him to it!

Then Raleigh threw some pizza. "We don't throw pizza, Raleigh. What can we throw?".

Raleigh: "Pizza!"


Raleigh: "Uhhh. Plates!"

Now it is a game! :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

At the park today

Oops--this was from two weekends ago...

When I asked Raleigh not to do something, he replied "why not?"

He told the other kids "Hola amigos!"

He seems to be thriving in his new school!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Blue Cheese

Why is Raleigh so sad? His blue cheese is all gone.

Here he is inhaling it.

We have yet to find a cheese this kid won't eat!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

RaRax in Box

Found Raleigh like this. The box was full of toys (and on the ground) when I left.

This is what we get for reading Fox in Socks.

Time to take the couch out of Raleigh's room!

Monday, October 22, 2012

1 1/2 Years Old!

Raleigh is a year and a half old. This is how Raleigh is growing!!!!

Weight: 26 lb 6 oz (58%)
Height: 33" (72%)

Raleigh is quickly learning the pattern of language. Last month, he started asking us "why". We weren't sure if he knew what he was asking, but would answer anyway. Early this month he started interrupting us as we were answering and saying "bee-cuz".

He also figured out that "you're welcome" comes after "thank you". This then turned into "thank you welcome". Raleigh also says "Bless you, mommy/daddy" if we sneeze or cough. And will say, "Here, mommy/daddy" if he hands us something. He also likes the word "too".

He says a few sentences--
"I see a ___"
"Mommy, read a book" (Mommy will you read me a book?)
"(Ball/balloon/airplane) is up in the sky!"
"Mommy/Daddy sleeping/eating"

Right now, he is into music, and asks mom and dad to sing songs all the time. He can "sing" us a couple lines of his favorite songs, but misses a few words (like "out came the rain and dried up all the rain"). Usually he just requests one song after another, even if mom or dad are only a few lines into the previous one.

He can count a little and knows about half the alphabet. He loves picking out letters in words--sometimes he goes crazy when he sees an "O"--even a zero in a bar code. He knows a few other ones like "I" and "L". Can you tell we're from Houston? We don't know whether he picked this up from his alphaberry, ABC books or school, but it's pretty neat. Mom tried to teach Raleigh "S like a snake", but he doesn't seem too fond of S's. (He seems at least interested in snakes--we found a baby earth snake in the backyard a few months ago and Raleigh still points out where it was!)

He is starting to pretend and likes to play with his farm animal toys and any toy with wheels.

He is an "easy toddler" and such a joy!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Raleigh's new wheels

Raleigh got a surprise from his Mom and Dad tonight. After we saw how much he liked the neighbors' tricycle, Daddy went and bought him a Radio Flyer Steer and Stroll. He didn't scream or jump for joy when he saw it, but he smiled ear to ear and was enthralled by his ride to the point that he hardly noticed the planes, trees, lizards, and birds that he normally points out.

But he rode it so enthusiastically that he blew the engine and had to push it home.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

New Toys

The whole family got new toys today. Dad got to play with his first. ...after Mom had a go...

We love that we can mow at 10 o'clock at night now if we want. It actually might be more pleasant that way in the summer, if it weren't for the mosquitos.

Raleigh gets his new toy tomorrow after school.

Breakfast Date, Take Two

The cow and pig came to breakfast again. This time they were much cleaner and came in style.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Breakfast Date

Raleigh had two friends over for breakfast this morning.

Evidently, their cleanliness was not up to Raleigh's standards--he kept saying "wipe the pig" and "wipe the moo" and cleaning them off.

What do you expect from a cow and a pig?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Early admission

We took Raleigh to Rice for the first time today. Then Dad and Buddy went to Valhalla.

We'll be back next weekend for the Centennial.

Pumpkin Patch

Happy Fall!
We took Raleigh to the pumpkin patch today.  As you can tell, he takes his pumpkins very seriously.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

National Night Out

Erik's owned his house for 11 years and we finally went to a Night Out so we can find more playmates for Raleigh. Raleigh had a great time and stood in front of the band clapping for about an hour! He kept clapping, even once the band had finished their set. Then he was kind enough to help them break down their equipment. We think they have a groupie.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Putting Things Away

Raleigh has become very good at cleaning up after himself. He likes to wipe surfaces, put things in the trash can and put things back where they came from. After unrolling all the toilet paper during a diaper change, he did this:

He even picked up half a square off the floor and shoved it in there. We see a big allowance in his future! :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy ending to the apple saga

Remember the apple saga? In the end we all win because the apple is so delicious. :)

17 Months Old

The apple of our eyes is 17 months old already.  Raleigh has settled into his new school well.  While we had teary-eyed departures the first few weeks, now he asks for his friend "Aca" (Alice) in the morning and smiles and giggles when his favorite teacher takes him out of the car.  Wednesday, we even got to school late, but he happily joined the rest of his class, which was a welcomed change from him crying the instant we pulled into the parking lot and frantically shaking his head "no" when we approached the classroom, as he did the week before.  :(

Raleigh quickly got a reputation for being "the climber" on the second day of school by crawling up onto the picnic table during recess and then standing on it and cheering for himself.  Perhaps he had to draw attention away from him being the "bad napper"...  Luckily, he's napping well and spending recess at lower altitudes with the rest of the kids.  Raleigh also reportedly spends a lot of the day pointing to people and saying their names repeatedly, just like he does with mom and dad at home. :)

Raleigh is rapidly acquiring more words--even more obscure words now--and has built quite the vocabulary for a little guy.  We are especially enjoying two words Raleigh brought home from school: "away" (for putting things away) and "help" (sounds like "up" when he says it, but he also signs it).

"Please" is even more popular than "thank you" was for Raleigh.  "Thank you" got a big reaction out of mom and dad, so Raleigh would thank us several times - and even thank both of us for anything one of us did.  Now "please" gets Raleigh almost anything he asks for, so it is very popular: "More ____ please."  Tonight, Raleigh may have figured out "help please" is a magic combination for getting out of his crib, just like "poopoo" was before it.

"Stop" is also a very fun word.  Raleigh saw the Knox holding out his hand to the fox, so we learned that meant "stop".  ...then we had to learn what stop meant, so mom and dad would run around until Raleigh shouted "stop."  ...then we had to learn "go".

Raleigh will try to repeat anything we say, except for some animal names. Some animals are only referred to by their sounds. Even is we say "ka-ka-ka-cat," for example, Raleigh repeats "ka-ka-ka-meow." :)

One last antecdote... Earlier this week, Raleigh got really excited during our evening walk - the kind of excitement we usually only see when Raleigh spots cheese and realizes it's for him.  "People" he kept saying, and pointing to the people across the street.  Not a dog, not a cat, not a toy - people, whom Raleigh made feel very special that night. 

Monday, September 3, 2012


We planted a few trees this weekend. We decided to plant fruit trees so we can show Raleigh the buds, flowers, and then fruit (hopefully someday).

This is Raleigh and our little orange tree. (The only way we could get him to stand next to the tree was asking him to give it a hug).

This is our avocado tree. We give it less than a 1% chance of surviving, but the payoff to us if it does would be big--a lifetime supply of avocados!!!

(Leanne and the tree are actually the same height).


Raleigh can blow bubbles!

We thought it would be good practice for swimming!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lunch sack

Raleigh loves carrying the little bag we put his lunch in. He carries it to and from his classroom, in the car, an today he carried it in HEB, too!

Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer

We are sad the summer has come to an end, but thankful for all the extra time we got to spend with Raleigh. (Sorry, Raleigh, if it makes your first days back at school harder).

Raleigh has become quite the chatterbox, and continues to amaze us with how much he knows. We just realized Raleigh knows where everything is in Goodnight Moon, but insists the bowl of mush is a hat. (He smiles when he does this, so he might just be giving us a hard time!)  He also knows that the windows are outside. Hats and outside - two of Raleigh's favorite things!

When we met with Raleigh's teachers last Wednesday - we had two goals for Raleigh - learning the difference between bowls and hats and between yes and no.

Erik and Raleigh went swimming Saturday, and we think this video captures how much Raleigh has learned in the pool.

First Day of School

Raleigh started his new school today. (We don't have a picture in front of the school because the teachers get the students out of the cars). So here's a picture of Raleigh in the car seat...

Raleigh didn't have the best day ever. He did well in the morning, but didn't nap very well, and then we hear it was downhill from there. Mom didn't enjoy not getting much of a nap at work today either, so she left to get Raleigh a little early. By the time she got there, Raleigh was having so much fun at school, he hardly even noticed her and was upset to have to leave. Hopefully, that means tomorrow won't be as hard. Mondays are always the worst...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

16 Months

We are enjoying much of August at home with Raleigh, as we pulled him out of daycare a few weeks before his new daycare starts.

Raleigh has become much better at eating solids, probably because mom and dad have become much better at cooking veggies until they are mushy.

Raleigh's most reliable trick is that almost everything is a hat--if Raleigh can touch it to his head, it is a hat. Bowls, Tupperware, spoons, toys, wipes, diapers, and balls are all hats. Sometimes hats are hats, too.

Raleigh still loves going outside, and the first things he says after we tell him we are going outside are "hat" and "shoes" because he needs these to go outside.

Raleigh grabbers away all day long. "Sentences" often end with "mamadada". Tonight, he strung two words together in a more meaningful way and said "Raleigh's hat". Of course, he was putting a bath toy on his head, not a hat hat.

"No" is quickly becoming Raleigh's favorite word, or maybe just the default answer to questions: "Raleigh, would you like some water?" "No." (Then he screams as we move the water further from him). Raleigh does say "thank you" when we hand him something, or at least something he wanted. He picked that one up on his own. We are working on please now.

He has also figured out "mine" and says it as he hugs something, like a toy.

So, in short, Raleigh learned "no" and "mine" when he was at home with us. Good job, mom and dad...

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Our walk yesterday was more like exploring other people's yards than walking. Luckily, Raleigh is so cute, no one seemed to mind. :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


We have good news! Today Raleigh's ophthalmologist cancelled the surgery to open Raleigh's tear ducts, which would have been next week. Erik popped the right one open just before Raleigh's first birthday. Then about two weeks ago, we noticed Raleigh's left eye was clear all of a sudden. The doctor said both eyes look great now.

We were supposed to schedule the surgery around Raleigh's first birthday, but didn't. Finally, our procrastination pays off! :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Raleigh was didn't want to get into his car seat. I guess he wanted to stand next to this tree and have his mommy take a picture.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Leanne broke away from work for a bit to watch Raleigh's last Waterworks. Maybe we can build something like that for Raleigh in the backyard... :)

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Raleigh ate like a bird all weekend, but made up for it tonight -- he had minestrone, salmon, palak paneer, broccoli (so he must have really been hungry!), cheese and then some of mom and dad's tuna mac (including a few peas stuck in the shells). We had been having trouble getting Raleigh to eat foods with texture, but by how he ate today, you'd never know it!

Leanne was rubbing Raleigh's back after he had his bath, then he'd roll over, sign "more" and roll back to his tummy.

We think he'll sleep well tonight. :)

Friday, July 27, 2012

15-Month Check-up

We had Raleigh's 15-month check-up on Wednesday.  Raleigh is healthy, and talking A LOT more than the expected three words.  He probably says 30 words, at least.  The doctor said he was quite the performer. :)
Here are the stats for our 15-month old:

Weight: 23 lb, 8 oz (34th percentile)
Height: 31" (45th percentile)
Head:   20" (99th percentile)

Raleigh had two vaccines and came down with a fever in the afternoon, so we got to stay home from daycare (and work!) yesterday.

Raleigh has become very good at letting us know what he wants, and even better at letting us know when he doesn't get what he wants.  He likes playing with "real" things - like the broom, the swiffer, anything in the pantry and anything in the shower.  He loves putting on dad's shoes.  He is also absolutely infatuated with his mama.

Two of Raleigh's molars have broken through (we have never seen him drool so muchl!).  He's been sleeping well, and recently has taken a few three hour naps for us in the middle of the day (1 1/2 hours is the norm).  We'll take it!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Not sure how interested we would have been in Elmo is he wasn't made if balloons. But he was, so Raleigh said "Elmo" for three hours straight.

Second Haircut - After

This was taken after Raleigh's bath on Friday.

I hope it doesn't mean Raleigh dislikes his new haircut.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Apples, take 2

Since mixing cheese and apples didn't fool Raleigh, Mom thought she'd put peanut butter on apple slices to get him to eat them. So, Raleigh licked the peanut butter off the apples. Raleigh wins again!